The objective is to run experiments in a city for a month and achieve any of the following objectives.
- Raise £10k for an individual, for their cause or organisation.
- Exercise iterative social validation: a collaborative suit of tools, from an hour’s meeting, to an hour’s team meeting, to an an hour’s meeting with others: each step validates the next.
- Establishing hi-trust relations in first meeting, committing time and money (sharing forward), to conduct a Social Neuron or Action Cycle.
- Subsequent SN or AC achieving beyond-realistic objectives, committing to Open Meeting.
- Seeding the minimal ecosystem, the OM as an action-orientated network where participants find new clients, partners, employees or employees.
- Attract participants for activity in the city and subsequent iterations:
- 1 partner who is already operating with similar deep principles regarding state of the world;
- 5 players who ‘buy in’ to Full Stack Open Business (whether in Blackpool or the next city);
- 25 active participants of the Open Business Experience;
- and however number of users of Sqale.
- Bring money into the city, net.
- Spark a £1m viral.
First: find a connector, and leverage as much as possible meeting to meeting. Perhaps ask to get phone to call to get validation live in subsequent meetings. If A recommends B, call A while talking with B. Second: establish a venue and date for Open Meeting as soon as possible, and invite everyone to it. Third: secure commitment to Action Cycle, or Social Neuron. A viable collective Open Meeting is predicated on the social validation of Action Cycles within each organisation.
Previous cities:
- Blackpool August 2022 Good engagement but insufficient commitment to experience. 4/10
If you would like to see this happen in your city, invite us.