Open Business
We are pioneering the business practices equivalent to sales & marketing, based on the network-economic of Sqale.

Approaches to problem prevention.
Invitational Protocol
When approaching people in business or leisure contexts, we may be mistakenly treated as fans or salespeople since we are all considered consumers in a market. The Invitational Protocol is an ongoing set of practices which help us navigate these difficulties, to provide people with a different language and behaviour patterns to appreciate that we are not selling anyone anything, but sharing what we value. It is for each of us to discern what is valuable to us and who to engage, without being coerced.
The Invitational Protocol provides self-organised techniques which range from how to host genuine and authentic meetings, to countering and bettering the most aggressive sales techniques. These are not arbitrary or weak social forms (comparable to expecting the goodwill of 'donations' to be a robust funding mechanism), but are based on economic functions which we hope to prove are more powerful than sales and marketing.
Open Meeting
Turn up and meet the right people. Because we do not operate within a market, we are learning the equivalent functions of sales and marketing, insurance and investment, employment and so on.
Ideally, we will have a 365/24 Open Meeting. We are one family network, and our home is in order because of our shared value economic. Use the space, for it is ours. If we manage it virtually, we might be able to learn how to do this with the real world.
Action Cycle
In an hour, a group of people who may not have met one another before, not only reach consensus on a 'beyond realistic' objective for the following week, but also collectively commit to it. This constitutes the parameters for the Action Cycle, which provides five rules to help people achieve three wows of consensus, commitment and completion.
Content Trifecta
The natural sequence of organic sharing implies a three-part structure for the delivery of content. The social contract of organic sharing escapes from the power of money to buy content and the artificial stimulation of needs created by an advertiser or salesman. Instead, organic sharing involves the conversion of faith into trust between two people.
The Content Trifecta indicates the three 'cut points' in the social contract: the decision to accept, the decision to continue experiencing the content based on your own value judgement, and the decision to share before watching the third part of the content. This creates a non-judgemental space which decouples expertise from inflated perceived wealth. It enables a way of experiencing content which is essentially relational. We no longer are objects to each other.
Check the Open Business Trifecta for an example.
Here & Now
We belong already to the human family. Our economic practices over the millennia have simultaneously brought us together, but at a cost of tearing us apart. Social Momenting is the individual psychological preparation which enables deeper social engagement. For example, everyone who every has and everyone who ever will, is reading this sentence at the same moment, relative to the start and end of this paragraph. Regardless of our objective chronological differences, our temporally embodied experience allows us to deepen our engagement from an exchange of words (or money) to concepts, intentions and values.
The mathematical basis for Sqale's economic functions, eg the use of money-as-a-number to indicate intention, indicates the potential for psycho-social mathematics based on our intentions and values. With sufficient social validation, we aim to derive well formed mathematical equations by 2033 which may reflect our psycho-social engagement and accelerate our social cohesion. Given our perilous environmental, political and economic world, we particularly value those of us who can hold deeper relations of trust amongst us.
Serious Pitch
What is the gift-economic equivalent to the hard sell, or close? When someone commits to sharing (rather than buying).
Talking about Open Business and Sqale without experiencing it is not effective, where more and more concepts tend to cognitively overload. Only once experienced does the simplicity of the system make sense. Like using a mouse, icons and dropdown menus for the first computer graphic UI.
Techniques for helping people get the most out of their first time experience of Open Business, to hit it out of the park!
Full Stack Open Business
Since we all live in a traditional economic which has operated for three thousand years, it is thought that culture change is slow and difficult. It isn't. All major political and technological revolutions throughout history occur within a generation. And they have all ultimately failed because of the underlying economic practice of treating money as a form of exchange: by treating money as a thing to be owned, history has given us tracking transaction points, charging interest on loans, amassing wealth or capital, the shift to fiat currency, flight capital and crypto-currencies.
Full Stack Open Business describes the business practices enabled by the network economic provided on the Sqale web-app. We are exploring the equivalent 'network economic' practices to sales and marketing, advertising, insurance, investment, as well as the network equivalent to companies, governments, so that we operate more like a family of tribes, or purpose driven collectives. Everything is different and self-supporting, providing a systemic alternative to modern living, psychologically and pragmatically.
Social Media Campaign
Our social media campaign is centred on participatory action. This is supported by a programme of factual accounts of Sqale's economic, and a serialised narrative with embedded open business practices.
Participatory action involves socially validating the usecases of Sqale, while inviting participation from users of traditional social media, FB, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Social media is run on advertising and SEO, converting our social relationships into sellable data. We break the cycle by putting our social health first, and taking control of our power of sharing and owning our value-based economic.
Have an idea?
Let’s get it done right!
We create valuable experiences together.
24 hour Challenge.
Can we get social validation for anyone within 24 hours of their joining Sqale? It might be inviting you to an Open Meeting to find the right people to connect with, employers or employees or partners, or finding the resources, material, services or people. How do we enact this objective? Measure success?
The measure of success of the Open Business practice is in terms of social validation. From initial response, engagement, invitation to Open Meeting, and connecting up the right people and resources. We have all the resources available to us, collectively; it is about helping one another access these resources in order to achieve our objectives.