
Serious Pitch

What is the gift-economic equivalent to the hard sell, or close? When someone commits to sharing (rather than buying).

0. The Pitch

The Serious Pitch is about establishing a viral business practice. Only proceed once someone has registered on Sqale, and preferably during an Open Meeting. The Serious Pitch is only possible 'within' Open Business practices.


Do you want to see something you've never seen before, and nobody has even thought of?

  1. The Ask

Establish their problem/pain and what they hope/need to find; record a Social Neuron. Are they motivated by money (Z), a fan of something (X), or social purpose (Y).


This is your world premiere and it is important we get it right. This is not sales, this is sharing done right. If you've never seen anything like it, will you act on it? Will you pay it forward?

2. The Reveal

Show either of the two primary functions: fair-share or Virality. Thank them for registering, show project list and introduce social average SQ, then Thanks Circle. For Virality, show card shared with them and distribution graph, explain exponential growth and crowd-funding.


Can you see an application of this in your work?

3. The Close

Do you know anyone who would be interested? Share it, right here and now.


You might explain why you are sharing, the underlying maths, the real challenge of how simple it is, there is no probability, and how this business viral will result in ROI*20. Whatever our XYZ motivation, Sqale combines them for the meaningful movement of money.

4. The Nudge

Your act of sharing is supported by the person who shared with you. Their job is to Nudge the person you've shared with. (A) shares with (B) who shares with (C); Person (A) nudges person (C). In this way, we become conduits of social continuity. No hard sale, but persistent social pressure. In turn, it's your job to nudge the next person plus one, to remind them to pay it forward. It's how gift economics work: gentle encouragement to strengthen our social fabric.

Elements of the Pitch.

Simple Experience

It all may sound complicated, but it is not when it is experienced. Talking about it, external to it, objectified as it is on this website, it becomes cumbersome, heavy cognitive load. Like talking about water. However, when experienced, it is easy enough to appreciate. Similarly, once someone accepts the invite and is willing to meet, it is more like how amazing do they want their world premiere experience to be?

Not The 'Close'

Traditional economics and business practice normally try to sell the product, service or experience before it is experienced. Restaurants are unusual because people are expected to pay afterwards. There are also various online business models, freemium etc, where people experience a limited version in terms of features or time. There is inherent tension in the relationship because money is going in the opposite direction of the product, service, experience.


With the gift economic, money is given with the product, service, experience. The expectation is to pay it forward or to crowd-fund the content-creator to create further products, services, experiences.


The equivalent to the 'close' of sales in the traditional economic, to enact the transaction/exchange of money, is the 'open' of sharing in the gift-economic, to enact the sharing of money. The recipient is expected to pay it forward, especially if they value it.

Show Sqale Functions

Show thanks and the thanks circle, sharing and the distribution graph. These give immediate visual feedback of our social condition.


Instead of a company, people work together to achieve mutual objectives and while doing so, track each other's contributions. Once money is attracted to the product, service or experience, it is distributed according to the value-tracking by participants. Simple.


Have you seen anything like it? Is it worth £10 or £100?

Who Are You?

The person sharing might have to explain who they are and why they are doing this.


In terms of the co-founder of Sqale, David Pinto was accepted to study mathematics but did Social Anthropology instead; he wanted to mathematise social engagement. He became a math teacher and developed self-organising tools before transposing this to the world of adults. He failed, but rather than trying to fit in with the systemic disorder, he retreated for a decade and derived the economic fundamental of Sqale, where money is a vector. Why is he doing this? Social cohesion, the ultimate result of which is global.


The sharer will have to provide their own reason and purpose for inviting, sharing and 'opening' the social contract of the network economic.

Sqale Ltd ROI*20

It might be useful to mention the current valuation of Sqale Ltd as £450k. Once we achieve significant social validation, eg 100k users in a season, the valuation will be £9m. Thus, an investment of £5k now, will be worth £100k. That's ROI*20 over a few months. Something to think about, especially when the social validation is based on the action of the person thinking it: their action literally manifests the ROI.

The Maths

"At the bottom of the economic problem is the forward looking process of the economic process itself." Frank Knight 1921


The underlying mathematics is that money is treated as a vector, not a scalar. It is not a quantity of a thing, which lends itself to the act of transaction/exchange (one thing for another). When treated as a vector, it has direction too. Instead of simulating the current economy (which has been tried by physicists), we asked what is its more efficient function? And what emerged was, when giving something, one also gives money. This leads to viral growth and revenue generation, with no sales or marketing or advertising. It is a gift, or network, or instant, or warm economic.


Normal money works like a vector, since it circulates and moves. However, traditional methods track only where it is, and money itself does not track where it is going. Even the ledgers of blockchain can't help since it records only the history of where the money has been.


Vector-money operates differently when applied to a thing (share), or a person (invite to a project), or a project (conditional support). It is only ever held by an individual, and never by any organisation. Vector-money is complemented by the three personal evaluations as they are attributed to a finished or past thing (like), people (thanks), or a future project (intent).

Pass On Conversation

In traditional sales, there comes a point when there is no gain in going further and the salesman kills the conversation. With Open Business, at this point, we pass on the person to a friend. It might be because of a mismatch of personality (or what you identify with, see Social Momenting), or not enough overlap of content interest.


Open Business is collaborative; it is more important we get social validation than a 'sale'. However, this should not dissuade the pitcher from trying everything available to them to make the connection. Passing on someone is not an 'easy' option. The trick is to provide folks with an alternative to the harmful effects of the traditional economic; it is our moral responsibility to do the best we can.

1-10 Challenge

Ask the person what degree of challenge they want, 1-10. Evaluate yourself. 0 is soft, 1-4 is slow, 5-7 is hard, 8-9 is fast, and 10 is curve.


See slide-deck below for content.

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 Try these, Pitches.

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