You are cordially invited to the Open Meeting at Common on Wednesday 24th August 2022 at 10am. Our real-world network is supported by Sqale web-app, and hosts the first Action Cycle in Blackpool.
The Open Meeting is a world-first. It is like the beginning of Twitter, with moneyflow. We will be running an Action Cycle.
Thanks for meeting in the first week. I’ve met with a dozen people across a wide range of industries. You are indispensable. Feel free to bring someone — and if you are new to all this, you are more than welcome.
Our time together is limited. This is our opportunity to change world in a significant way, at least our little corner of it. Our meeting may be historic, you decide. It is not the tech, it is our presence and values, our words and actions. Through iterative social validation we empower the next person.
Imagine a new kind of organidation, unlike any company, gov, etc. We are at the beginning of a financially viable network. Everything you do may be tracked — not by machines and algorithms, but by supporting one another, through person to person trust
Some of you definitely need to meet.