
Social Validation

We aim to provide social validation within moments of experiencing Sqale, within an hour of engaging others, and within 24hrs.

0. Who to Invite?

Heard about it, reading up on it, whatever it is. Doesn't make sense, or sounds exciting, or whatever it is, you aren't part of it yet. 


At some point, you'll get invited. Hopefully, you will be invited well by a friend of yours. If not, it may be quite the journey. Either way, enjoy.

  1. World Premiere

The first time you are invited, what is your experience like? What's the content? What's the first thing shared with you? Worthwhile? Enjoyable? Are you helping to Sqale someone, their music, their products or services?

Whatever the content, it has been shared through Sqale. Sqale isn't meant to be in the foreground. It is meant to act like a mirror. You aren't meant to see the mirror, but what's in it. Your World Premiere.

2. Right Now

What happens in your first hour of using Sqale? Have you been invited to an Open Meeting? Have you done a Social Neuron? Have you met with people already who will help you move forwards with your projects? Are you inspired by who you meet, and what they are doing for you? This is social validation.

3. Transitive Trust

What's happened in your first 24 hours? Have we got a result from your Social Neuron? Have you met the right people, or received the resources you need? 

4. World Change

Have you helped others? Have you shared forwards things shared with you? Have you helped people find jobs? Have you been able to provide your services, of give them your products, or give folks your experience? Have you helped sqale other people? If you have, then you will have fulfilled some people's Social Neuron, just as yours has been.

The new social contract makes unrealistic timelines real.


Help Others

Since most of us went through standard school, its common to stick up your hand and ask for help from the teacher. However, some of us had the beneficial experience of being helped by friends. If a classroom was full of people who are there to help you, the world is experienced in a very different way. In Open Business, we are here to help those around us. And because we have the value-tracking of Sqale, it means that our help is acknowledged economically. We don't have to think about it. We just get on with the job of helping who we can and how we can.

Have an idea?

Let’s get it done right!