Reflexive Education (rEd) are extending their skills in actuating the receptive state of participants (listening, watching, receiving) to produce socially immersive experiences for companies, charities, schools and all organisations using Open Business practices.
If this is the first time you’ve come across this — it’s your world premiere ! — so bring the flavour:
- share this forward through Sqale by hitting the big button
- thank people and learn about social immersion
- invite us to help you generate revenue and achieve beyond-realistic objectives
By collaborating and using the sharing economic of Sqale, we can create the world’s first Self-Financing Network until we are generating income as if are working for a company — but we are actually working for one another. Come along to the open meetings, 10am-12noon GMT online and first Friday of the Month HERE.

Creating the world’s first self-financing network is set for 2024-2026, so now is a good time to begin. Before viral validation, there may be only small amounts of money moving, but once enough people attend Open Meetings and experience Action Cycles, income will ramp up until members have income equivalent to company salaries. With enough trust, the social soil will be strong enough to support 100-150 members, beyond which we may only scale into 100,000 by 2030 and beyond if we have internalised self-organised practices.
2025 maps our journey to two world-first innovations across three deepening cycles. Spring introduces our foundation: relationally reflexive stories, Sqale workshops, and AI creativity labs working together to create the first self-financed network through organic sharing. Summer amplifies our breakthroughs – refining our sharing mechanics, enhancing value generation, and documenting our path to prove 100% organic viral growth is possible. By autumn, we’ll demonstrate both world-firsts in action: a fully self-financing network powered by genuine human connections, and the first-ever certified organic viral growth through Sqale, showing how authentic sharing can outperform traditional marketing while generating sustainable value for all participants.