Power Usecases
Based on the underlying economic platform provided by Sqale, we are pioneering the following usecases.
1. Viral distribution and revenue generation for any digital content.
Marketing & Sales — Content-Creators

2. Personal values and fair-share of collective rewards.
Human Resources — Teams & Communities

3. Collaborative agendas and mini reviews.
Participation Data — Experience Providers

Social Neuron
4. Helping the right people connect by matching needs.
Networking & Recruitment — People Finder

Golden Ticket
5. Randomly Reward New Participants
Power Usecase — Onboarding

Once Sqale becomes widespread, the value of thanking appropriately will become more important than moneyflow. And yes, I've seen the Black Mirror episode, and let it be a warning to us! ”
David Pinto
Co-Founder, Sqale

Turning your credence into a commodity. ”
Pam Close
Brand Advocate

I can see the usecases for access content permissions, exclusive events, government matching donations. And the trust metric to capture and spread expertise through a business culture. ”
Shaun Mader
Marketing Director
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